Sunday, June 9th • 4:30PM • St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church
Address: 157 Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
The Brooklyn Conservatory Chorale presents The Gift to Sing, featuring Franz Schubert’s Mass in G and other pieces for chorus, joined by members of the Brooklyn Conservatory Community Orchestra. A concert of powerfully expressive music, setting sacred texts and transcendent poetry, including:
- Franz Schubert- Mass in G
- W.A. Mozart – Ave Verum Corpus
- Ola Gjeilo – The Ground
- Randall Thompson – Alleluia
- Russell Horton – Evening Waterfall
- Ralph Vaughan Williams – Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
- Stephen Paulus – Hymn to the Eternal Flame
- Marianne Forman – The Gift to Sing