Welcome to music therapy at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music! In order to provide the most successful experience for your family, please take a moment to review our guidelines and policies below.
- Late or day of Absence: If you will be late or absent, please call the front desk at 718.622.3300 and email your child’s music therapist as soon as possible. Please do not email the Clinical Coordinator (Marie Lewis marie.lewis@bkcm.org) about absences unless it is to cc on communications directly to the music therapist. The Clinical Coordinator role is a part-time position, so there is no guarantee the cancellation message will be received in a timely manner to relay it to the music therapist.
- Arrive Early: Please arrive/log on at least 5 minutes prior to your child’s session time.In order to limit distractions and maintain a smooth flow to the music therapy session, please do not interrupt a session in progress. If you arrive late to a group session, please enter quietly for minimal interruption.
- Consistent attendance is the best way for your child to make progress. If circumstances arise that make this difficult, email our Clinical Coordinator (Marie Lewis marie.lewis@bkcm.org) so we can work with you on a preferred solution. Please note that if a student is absent for 4 consecutive weeks without notice, the student will be withdrawn and subject to the withdrawal penalties outlined below.
- Parent Communication: Your BKCM music therapist will touch base with you very briefly after each session. There is very little time in between sessions. If you have more in depth questions or concerns, please set up a time to speak with your child’s music therapist at a later date or set up an email correspondence. Parents will also receive quarterly written progress reports.
- Therapeutic Relationship: Therapy happens in-relationship..between the therapist, the client(s) and the music. In order to establish familiarity and trust, it is best for the client and music therapist to work alone in the music therapy room during individual sessions, unless extra support is needed.
- Extra Support: If it is necessary for a caregiver or parent to stay in the room for either individual or group sessions, please discuss this with the music therapist prior to the session. For children who require help with bathrooming, a caretaker or parent must remain present or right outside the door. If your child engages in self harm, harm to others or escape behaviors, please communicate during the intake session and work out a plan with our clinical coordinator before sessions begin.
- Information and Disclosure: The more information we have regarding your child’s experiences throughout the week, the more holistically we can approach his/her music therapy. Please do not hesitate to update us at any time regarding any pertinent changes in your child’s circumstances or development (i.e. changes in medication, sleep/eating routines, significant events, etc) as the year progresses. Music Therapy is a mental health service. We take confidentiality very seriously and all information shared is private and protected.
- Virtual sessions: We offer a very limited number of virtual music therapy sessions. Please follow the guidelines below to optimize these sessions.
- 1. To whatever extent is possible, please have your child’s device/camera situated in a quiet area with limited distractions, positioned in such a way that both your child and any instruments can be fully visible.
- 2. Please log on at least 2 minutes prior to your child’s session time. Your music therapist will admit entry to the virtual session at the start time of the session..
- 3. Please remain within earshot or available by phone to address connectivity issues that may arise during the session.
- Each student is allowed one makeup session per semester for an excused absence for individual music therapy sessions only. Makeup sessions for groups are only offered if the music therapist cancels a session entirely. There are no makeups for student absences from group sessions.
- An excused absence is one where the Conservatory has received notice in advance of the session start time that the student will be unable to attend the session.
- All absences in excess of the one excused absence must be paid.
- No makeup sessions are given for sessions missed without notice, or for notice given after a session start time.
- Make-up sessions are scheduled during Make-Up Week, which is the week at the end of each semester dedicated for this purpose. Please refer to our Academic Calendar on the website for specific dates of Make Up Week: https://bkcm.org/calendar/
- If a student is absent for 4 consecutive weeks without notice, he or she will be automatically withdrawn and subject to the withdrawal penalties outlined below.
- All missed sessions due to a music therapist’s absence or unplanned Conservatory closure (i.e. snow day) will be made up during Make-Up Week.
- There are two weeks allotted for Make-Ups at the end of each semester. This is to accommodate one student absence and one music therapist absence only. If the music therapist has not canceled any sessions during the semester, this second week of Make-Ups will be a week off between semesters. It cannot be used for Make Ups for additional student absences.
Please click here to view BKCM’s new Covid Safety Guideline, as of Fall 2023.
Private Sessions Withdrawal Policy
- Families who wish to withdraw must submit a request in writing to both Marie Lewis (marie.lewis@bkcm.org) and Fatima Jihada (fatima.jihada@bkcm.org).
- Every withdrawal situation is different, and BKCM will work to find an adequate and rapid solution to each case. The withdrawal approval may take up to 10 business days to process.
- Upon approval, BKCM will withhold the cost of lessons that have already transpired (including student absences), plus the cost of 4 lessons tuition from date the withdrawal is confirmed.
- Payment plan, registration, and late payment fees are non-refundable.
Group Sessions Withdrawal and Refunds
- Families who wish to withdraw must submit a request in writing to both Marie Lewis (marie.lewis@bkcm.org) and Fatima Jihada (fatima.jihada@bkcm.org).
- Students enrolled in 15 week classes have 24 hours prior to the 3rd class to request withdrawal.
- Students withdrawing from group classes will be refunded the remaining tuition less the cost of the number of classes that have transpired including student absences.
- Registration and Installment fees are non-refundable.
Medical Withdrawals
- The Brooklyn Conservatory of music offers medical withdrawals with refunds or credit on a case by case basis with a doctor’s note.
- Basis for withdrawals include injuries or illnesses that genuinely impede a student’s abilities to successfully participate in their music therapy or adaptive lessons.
- Families who wish to complete a medical withdrawal must submit a request in writing to both Marie Lewis (marie.lewis@bkcm.org) and Fatima Jihada (fatima.jihada@bkcm.org).
Regarding Attendance/Registration:
Registration Desk: 718.622.3300 / info@bkcm.org
Regarding Your Child’s Onsite Music Therapy:
Marie Lewis, Clinical Coordinator: marie.lewis@bkcm.org / 718.622.3300 x212
Regarding Financial Aid / Insurance / Self-Direction Reimbursement:
Financial Aid Coordinator: Kris Mandapat / kris.mandapat@bkcm.org 718.622.3300 x212
Regarding Outreach Programs:
Toby Williams, Music Therapy Program Director: toby.williams@bkcm.org / 718.622.3300 x216
Dannyele Crawford Music Therapy Outreach Program Coordinator: dannyele.crawford@bkcm.org / 718-622-3300 ext. 245